Code of conduct
Auktsjaur Country House's Code of Conduct is guidelines for how we and our guests should conduct our operations in an ethical, social, and environmentally responsible manner.
How do we treat each other during the event? We show respect to one another.
During the event, we meet people in their everyday lives. What is acceptable behavior during these encounters? Are there people we meet who do not want to be photographed, interviewed, etc.? Visiting their homes, etc.
During the event, we often come into contact with both domestic and wild animals. Domesticated reindeer, wild reindeer, birds, dogs, livestock, predators, fish, etc. How can we interact with them without causing harm or disturbance?
Littering, toilets, being considerate, etc.
If someone gets injured, what can I do?
Specific to the type of event you are participating in. For example: hunting, fishing, boat trips, etc.

In Sweden, the Right of Public Access ('allemansrätten') grants us a unique access to nature. We share a collective responsibility to preserve nature for future generations, which is why the fundamental rule when leaving our homes is 'do not disturb and do not destroy' while in nature, and to show consideration for wildlife, landowners, and other visitors.
Read more about Allemansrätten in Sweden here.
PLAN BEFOREHANDPlanning beforehand makes it is easier to take care of nature when you’re out and about. Read up and think through your hiking trip; the best way of breaking it down into daily stages, opening hours of places to stay, your clothing and what to pack. Don’t forget to take a bag to keep your waste in. In this way, we don’t leave any traces behind, which is essential if we want to go on enjoying the natural and cultural environments Auktsjaur has to offer.
KEEP TO THE MARKED PATHTake care of forest and land by cycling, riding or walking on the paths of Auktsjaur. All cyclists are urged to stick to the cycle path and keep control of their bike – before passing others, politely let them know of your presence, and continue with caution.
SHOW CONSIDERATION FOR PRIVATE AND CULTIVATED LANDThe right to roam gives us the freedom to move around almost everywhere in nature. One of the most important points of outdoor ethics is that we show respect for other visitors and, of course, for landowners. You must not cut cross someone’s private grounds, for example, or come so close to houses that the residents are disturbed. There is no precise rule, but if you keep a distance of 60-70 metres, you’re probably on the safe side. Ask the landowner if you’re unsure. It’s important to show respect for cultivated land – never walk over land used for growing crops. It is your responsibility to walk along the edge, so that nothing is trodden on and destroyed.
CAMP IN THE RIGHT PLACE AND WHEN PERMITTEDChoose a camp site where you won’t be disturbing the landowner or damaging nature, and don’t stay for longer than a few days. Don’t camp on grazing ground or land that is used for agriculture or planting. Always leave the site as you found it, and take whatever you unpacked home with you. Remember that outside toilets and barbecue areas may be private if they’re adjoined to a dwelling, and so won’t be free for you to use.
TAKE CARE WHEN LIGHTING FIRESIt’s nice and atmospheric to sit around an open fire, but the right to roam does not automatically entitle you to light fires. You may light fires safely, so that there is no risk of the fire spreading or damaging land, animals and plants. Lighting fires may be prohibited locally at certain times. It is your responsibility to find out what the rules are. Keep yourself updated by visiting the county administrative board’s website: Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten Choose a prepared site if you want to light a fire. You should not light fires on or near moss, peat or earthy forest land, for example, where the fire could still smoulder and spread after you have left. Don’t light fires on rocks either, as the rock could crack from the heat. Standing trees, dead or alive, provide homes for birds and insects if left intact. The same applies to fallen trees, which are extremely important for biological diversity. Therefore, you must not chop, saw or split them for firewood. However, the right to roam allows you to use fallen branches, twigs and cones lying loosely on the ground. Do not burn rubbish – a barbecue is not a place for refuse incineration. Always extinguish the fire properly with water, and remember to take whatever you unpack home with you.
TAKE YOUR RUBBISH WITH YOUAll littering is forbidden. “Unpack it, pack it” is a mantra we would recommend to all visitors. Plastic bags, cigarette butts, fishing lines, and also organic waste such as orange peel, melon peel and pistachio shells are harmful to animals and our environment if they are not disposed of properly. Take your rubbish home with you if no waste bins are available, and pick up any rubbish you find – we all share a responsibility to clean up after ourselves before leaving picnic sites and resting places.
ANSWER THE CALLS OF NATURE PROPERLYWhen you're out in nature, you will need to answer the calls of nature sooner or later. If there is no toilets or latrine nearby, walk into the forest and dig a small hole in the ground. Be prepared by packing a spade and toilet paper. The toilet paper can be buried, burned (if there is no fire-lighting prohibition) or placed in your waste bag. Do not throw toilet paper away in nature.
KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR FOUR-LEGGED FRIENDApart from a valid vaccination card and tick repellent, you need to provide your dog with water and food, so it’s important to plan your nature trip and pack extra items. A dog should always be kept on a leash if it doesn’t come to you immediately in response to your calls, and at the maximum distance of a leash. You might walk near or through reindeer grazing areas and agricultural land, where you must keep your dog leashed by law. This is especially important during the period from 1 March to 20 August.
SHOW CONSIDERATION FOR OTHER ANIMALS AND PEOPLEThe right to roam applies to all of us, so show consideration as you make your way, so that you do not frighten other animals or disturb other people. Please don’t feed livestock, don’t disturb them and don’t let your dog get too close. We do not recommend walking through a paddock with your dog, even if it is on a leash, as cows may become curious and also be protective of their calves. Always walk around it if you have a dog or a bike with you. When hiking or cycling on reindeer grazing land, it’s important to remember that mountains and forests are the workplaces of reindeer breeders, and the grazing grounds are for the reindeer. If you come across a reindeer, you should stop and try to increase your distance. You should also keep quiet, as reindeer are sensitive, especially during the spring calving period. If you have a dog with you, it must be kept on a leash at all times.
SWIM IN THE RIGHT PLACEYou may take a swim almost everywhere, apart from developed plots, or where access is prohibited, for example, to protect birds. If you’re unsure whether the spot where you intend to swim is too close to someone’s home, knock and ask the home owner if it’s okay before taking a refreshing dip.
PICKING FLOWERS, BERRIES AND MUSHROOMSEnjoy wild berries and mushrooms after your hike, and flowers that are not protected. In this way, we are contributing to biological diversity and ensuring that the natural habitat of insects is not disturbed. Find out more about picking flowers, berries and mushrooms from the Environmental Protection Agency:
OPT OUT OF ELECTRIC BIKESRiding electric bikes, Segways or other small motorised transporters in natural surroundings is not permitted under the right to roam, which means that you may not use them on paths, trails or off-road without the landowner’s permission.
BE ATTENTIVE DURING THE HUNTING SEASONThe hunting season for moose, bears and birds in areas in and around Auktsjaur starts in mid-August. There’s no problem walking in forests and mountains in Auktsjaur at this time, but we ask you to be attentive. Hunters appreciate it if you wear something colourful, and maybe even sing or talk to yourself a little as you go along.
FISHING WITH THE RIGHT PERMITFishing is NOT included in the right to roam. If you want to fish, you will need to check what the local rules are for where you intend to fish. Find out more about laws and rules iFISKE and buy a fishing permit for the waters in Auktsjaur here:
CHOOSING DRINKING WATERThe water quality in Sweden is good, and flowing water such as streams, brooks and rivers is normally drinkable. However, we are unable to foresee incidents of incorrect handling of waste, for example, or take responsibility for ensuring that the water you drink is of drinking quality. For safety’s sake, you can boil the water, or use water purification tablets. There are numerous food stores, petrol stations and cafés where you can buy or ask to be given water. Good planning beforehand is essential, and we recommend that you always fill up with fresh water.